
The gift of words... 



It brings me joy to connect with others through the use of the spoken word. I’ve been a keynote speaker at conferences across Canada as well as Mexico. I am passionate about topics close to home such as:

  • Mindfulness

  • Self-compassion & Self-care

  • Energy work

  • Healing, Wellness, and

  • Spirituality

As a holder of sacred space my talks are not just talks but facilitated experiences of embodied inspiration : )

Jaisa “manages to hold the attention of a room full of tired people for an hour & a half. No one was texting, emailing, talking or leaving. You could hear a pin drop when she completed the practice portions. A clear indication of how compelling a speaker she is!”
— Ellie Lapowich - Owner & Director of Innovative Case Managment
“Validation of the human being with all its components & complexity.”

”Very genuine, kept attention at all times & was honest intuitive & open”

”Very inspirational both on a personal level & professional”

”I really appreciated Jaisa’s sharing of her experiences & reminding us of the importance of spirituality to ourselves & our clients”

”Very good insights about thinking of self & at the same time gives inspiration to people we work with like co-workers, patients & families”
— Feedback provided from staff at an Occupational Therapy Practices Day at Providence Helathcare