Mindfulness + Energetic Medicine: An 8 Week Workshop Series

Mindfulness Qigong Workshop fall 2018.png

Hi folks! This is going to be fun. I’ve taken the Jon Kabat-Zinn’s evidence-based 8wk Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) curriculum & infused it with practises from Chinese Energetic Medicine.

Now why would one do that?

Well, mindfulness alone is not enough. We can’t just accept the present moment ALL THE TIME. There are times when we humans can affect change especially when we are fuelled by compassion. For me personally Medical Qigong has given me the tools to affect change when I’m suffering (physically, emotionally & spiritually). With the skill of working with the life force energy that flows through the human body we can detox, nourish & protect the  Emotional-Energetic body.

I continue to find Qigong to be a great self-compassion practice complementing my mindfulness practice well. I’ve also learned that the 2 wings required to fly through life in this physical world are: 1) Mindfulness & 2) Compassion. Participants of this 8wk workshop will strengthen both wings & cultivate the skill of balancing both throughout the day to day.

Please message if you’re interested & share with someone who you think may enjoy this workshop. Thank you!

Jaisa Sulit